posted by gavin on May 23

Alex made it to Hartland, NB, home of the world’s largest covered bridge, without a hitch. He biked 108km, and it was raining a bit which meant that he had to stop 3 times to change in and out of his sweaty rain gear. Despite the rain, he says he’s really enjoying riding and wasn’t cold.

He’s camping for free right near the base of the bridge, relaxing in his tent and reading after having chatted with some locals at a restaurant for an hour, telling them about the site (Hi Hartlanders!).


3 Comments to “World’s Longest Covered Bridge”

  1. Marie-Pierre Says:

    HEY! Passes-tu par King’s Landing?! C’est pas pire si tu peux visiter. 🙂

  2. Brigitte Says:

    Merci des liens sur les éléments d’attraction dans les villes visitées, cela fait visiter le Canada… devant son ordi. Contente de savoir que tout va bien, Keep it up Alex, plus les semaines avancent, plus il devrait faire chaud… ici aussi !

  3. alex Says:

    Ya j’ai passe par Kings landing, un beau petit village historique mais j’avais pas bcp de temps a perdre. En effet, il commence deja a faire plus chaud 🙂 Super belle journee ici a fredericton