posted by alex on Jul 27

I slept awful last night. It the middle of the night there were a few men talking near our tent at around 1 am. It kept me up for about 2 hours. Today’s ride is going well so far. I am now in Sturgeon Falls at the info centre, we should be able to make it to North Bay in a few hours. We hit a bit of rain and I had to deal with water splashing  onto my face compliments of Theo’s rear wheel. In Sudbury Theo picked up a copy of Lance Armstrong’s autobiography and we’ve been taking turns reading it aloud to each other since we all want in. It’s a great book and it looks like we will finish it by the time I get to Ottawa haha.

ETA for Ottawa (Orleans where I left from) is still the 31st of July around 5pm. Less than 400km to go!


One Comment to “Sudbury to North Bay”

  1. Brigitte Says:

    Wow, si près du but, quel courage que d’affronter tous les aléas de la route, des divers endroits, etc. Tu vas surement pouvoir nous donner un cours sur les canadiens 301… lâches-pas, on t’attend à ton arrivée !!! yahoo!
    Mama G