posted by alex on Jul 6

I’ve been looking forward to seeing Winnipeg. It’s such a relief to have made it here, the roads are just awful in Manitoba. There are literally no shoulders to ride on. I had to hit the shoulder about 50 times because cars would come too close. On the other hand, Highway 2 has very little traffic for the most part. It might have something to do with it being the weekend and all. Unfortunately I lost sight of Dave today during lunch, I was having a hard time with the 10 o’clock wind and traffic so he was riding much faster than I was. Right now I am at my friend Paul’s house in Winnipeg. I was treated to a filling supper and tomorrow I will get a better look at Winnipeg.


One Comment to “Winnipeg at last!”

  1. Brian Leier Says:

    Hi Alex,

    I was one of the 600k cyclists you met in Glenboro over dinner Saturday night. It was nice to meet you and Dave and am glad to hear you made it to Winnipeg safe. We fought the same wind (welcome to riding on prairies!)on Sunday.

    If you are going to be around Winnipeg for a few days, drop us an email. We are always happy to feed a hungary cyclist.

    Have a great trip!
