posted by alex on Jun 25

So far, I am only one day behind schedule, that’s not bad considering how long I have been on the road. I was supposed to be around brooks Alberta today but anyhow. This morning Richard and I strapped the bike on the trailer and drove down to Tuxedo Source for Sports (an oddly named bike shop) in Calgary to pick up a new rear wheel for Carmen. Now normally I don’t go gaga for components but you should see this wheel haha. It’s a heavy duty cyclocross wheel that will surely not cause me any problems. As a bonus, it has my name on it (the company that makes it is called alexrims). For lunch we went to Peter’s Drive-In, a popular burger joint in Calgary that specializes in high carb meals 🙂 Back home (for me home is where I am sleeping that night) I rode on the Tote Gote which is a small dirt bike that is quite famous in the Sharp family. I also fed the horses and checked out Mr Sharp’s tractors that he uses when he competes in tractor pulls. I would like to thank the Sharp’s for the generosity they have shown me, they’re definitely one of the kindest families I know.