posted by alex on Jun 15

I am using a computer at an internet cafe so I have to make this message brief. The last few days have been the best so far. Wowy the scenery is nice. I’ve been basically riding next to Okanagan Lake going up and down some hills that hug the coast. I entered Kelowna this morning after fixing a broken spoke on the bike, I broke the same one as before (my spares aren’t strong). Last night I camped and for the first time I didn’t wear many layers, love it! The neighbours’ dog gave me a good laugh. Every time the dog hears sirens he imitates the sound haha. I would like to thank the Johnson’s from Kelowna who I met at the Timmy’s in town. Thanks to them I had a free lunch. Happy riding guys 🙂

I am adding a video to this post. I managed to attach the camera to my GPS mount on the handlebars. It makes for some interesting shots.

View the video.


2 Comments to “Westbank-Vernon”

  1. Isabelle Says:

    Hi Alex! Glad you’ve made it safely through the first stretch of mountains. I’m also happy to hear the weather has improved for you. You really had the worst weather here in Vancouver and now things have finally gotten better here too (sun and around 20 C). Have fun in the Okanagan – enjoy the heat and fresh fruit…oh, and don’t forget the wine!!!

  2. JEanne Says:

    Hey Alex!! Je suis super contente que tout va bien. J’aime ca lire de tes aventures autour du pays. Tu sembles vraiment t’amuser. Les gens t’acceuillent super bien aussi. Ce n’est pas une grande surprise, tu es tellement amical. Anyway, il se peut que je suis a OTtawa lorsque tu reviens! Je ne pense pas que j’irai a Gagetown cette année. Je vais attendre a l<année prochaine. Ok, passe une belle semaine…tu entre en Alberta bientot, yey!