posted by gavin on Jun 10

Alex made it to Hope, BC today. There was a bit of light rain, but he had a much better day overall, and enjoyed biking surrounded by majestic snowcapped mountains.

He’s camping at Coquihalla Campground thanks to a German couple who let him stay on their lot for free. He also wanted to thank Anita in Hope for the directions to the camground and for watching Carmen while Alex went grocery shopping.

Tomorrow he’s going to take on his first mountain pass, Allison Pass. It’s a 4265 foot (1300 m) climb over about 60 kilometers from Hope to Allison Pass, so it certainly won’t be easy. He’s going to be passing by Hope Slide, the site of one of the largest landslides ever recorded in Canada (be sure to check out the picture and map link in the Wikipedia article).