posted by gavin on Jun 8

Alex sent me an instant message a little while ago, he’s still in Burnaby hanging out with Isabelle, Elena and Molly. Dan had to leave for a business trip – Isabelle is Dan’s girlfriend, Elena and Molly are her friends from Ottawa.

I wanted to thank everyone that we met in Vancouver: Molly, Elena, Jodi (Alex’s second-cousin), Jodi’s friend Kate, and especially Dan, Isabelle and Alex’s aunt Kate (I hope I got all of those names spelled correctly!). Alex and I had a great time and really enjoyed the company.

I also wanted to give a quick shout-out to that cyclist from Ottawa that we met at the ferry terminal on Friday now that I’ve managed to track him down. His name is Mike Shives and you can read about his trip on Facebook (you need to have a Facebook account, sorry!).