posted by gavin on Jun 7

Apologies for not posting an update in a while, Alex and I returned to our hotel in Vancouver pretty late last night and were a bit rushed earlier today, so we didn’t have time to post.

On Friday morning Tom drove us to the Victoria ferry terminal to catch a ferry to Vancouver. We had a great time at Tom and Laura’s place and really appreciate them letting us stay over for a few days – they were excellent hosts!

The ferry ride was quite enjoyable – not too long, and we got to see some nice scenery. When we arrived at Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal Alex had to repair a flat tire on his trailer, but that didn’t take too long, and we ended up meeting two other cyclists from Ottawa who were also cycling across Canada (they were on their way to Victoria to tour around there for a while). We took the bus to Vancouver from the ferry terminal, and a nice bus driver named Andy gave us a free ride (we were the only people on the bus).

Once in Vancouver we dropped our stuff off at the hotel and met up with Alex’s cousin Dan and some of his friends and family at Saltlik in downtown Vancouver. We had a few beers and some food there, then stopped by Dan’s office to play Rockband for a bit, then ended up visiting Chill Winston’s and the Library Square Public House.

This morning we stopped by the Apple store in Vancouver so that Alex could pick up a new iPod nano – his old MP3 player broke. He’s got it loaded up with his music, pictures, and even a TV show, so he should enjoy that while on the road. After that I had to leave to catch my flight back to Toronto – I just got back a couple of hours ago. Alex was biking from the hotel in downtown Vancouver to Dan’s place in Burnaby to stay the night – I haven’t heard from him yet but I’m guessing he made it without too much trouble (it wasn’t very far away).


2 Comments to “Vancouver”

  1. Brigitte Says:

    Wow, quel beau voyage, je viens d’en lire quelques journĂ©es et les photos sont belles. Merci de nous faire visiter le Canada… de notre chaise d’ordi… Bonne chance dans les Rocheuses, c’est bien d’avoir eu les conseils d’un autre cycliste. Ce sera comme le chemin de Compostelle en bycicle. Je te souhaite une belle tempĂ©rature et des mollets bien en forme pour les pentes !

  2. Denyse and Michel Says:

    Your father and I enjoy following your every step by reading your daily updates which are very interesting by the way. In fact, I envy you a bit since I have not had the chance to visit the western Canada yet. What an incredible adventure you are living and enjoying! We are happy to kwow that you have not encountered any major issues. Janelle tells me that she can help you hook up with people (mostly guys) along the way if needed. Let me know. Keep up the good work!