posted by alex on Jun 3

This morning we took a nice long walk to Point Pleasant Park for the wheel dipping ceremony. The weather was perfect and we got some neat pictures and even a few videos (now that I’ve realized I can take videos with my camera).

Watch the Atlantic wheel dipping video

The walk took us through some beautiful neighborhoods and through the Dalhousie campus. Point Pleasant Park also offers some WWII ruins and a few defense structures from the 1800s. We noticed that a lot of trees in the park are dead – turns out the area took quite a hit during Hurricane Juan. After the walk through Point Pleasant Park, we had lunch at the hotel restaurant and then took a walk down to try and get a closer look at the Halifax Naval Dockyard. We weren’t able to get very close since the area was closed off to the public (which is to be expected for a millitary base, I guess). After that, we reluctantly decided to go on a harbour tour on an amphibious boat named the “Harbour Hopper“. I enjoyed it but I wish I had brought my jacket, it does get quite windy on the water. It was easy on the legs and it also gave us a better view of the naval ships. All together we ended up walking approximately 13km around Halifax – you can see our exact trajectory thanks to Gmaps Pedometer.

Gavin and I will be taking a flight to Victoria, BC tomorrow morning, and meeting up with his father’s cousin Tom. Flight leaves at 7:20AM so we need to get up early.