posted by gavin on May 29
Alex made it to Charlottetown, PEI and is staying at a HI Hostel downtown. His contact is out of town, but their house-sitter Halley invited him to an art expo and wine and cheese, so he plans to advertise the site a bit there.
He said it was pretty windy today, strong gusts gave him a bit of trouble. He stopped by a Canadian Tire to replace his multi-tool – employees Justin, Marc and Bill helped him find the hostel. He says the people in PEI have been awesome, honking to encourage him, and he heard something about having been mentioned on local radio (I don’t think he has any details).
May 29th, 2008 at 10:43 pm
salut alex tk men lache pas ,moi je laurai rĂ©parer ton bike đŸ˜› tk salut la