posted by gavin on May 21
Just got a text message from Alex. He rode 120km today, mostly on the Trans-Canada highway along the New Brunswick/Maine border. He noticed a lot of deforestation, and says that truckers were honking their horns to encourage him (I hope it really was encouragement!). Today was warmer than yesterday – but he froze last night and had to wear socks as gloves.
He’s in Drummond, NB now, staying at Marie-Pierre’s grandmother’s house after having visited the Grand Falls. He’s also in a new time zone, but didn’t realize it until he arrived and was told his watch was set to the wrong time. He had a big supper and did some laundry. I’m sure he’ll appreciate having a warm place to sleep tonight 🙂
May 22nd, 2008 at 10:22 am
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaw!!! Tu dors dans la chambre du fond! A.k.a la chambre de tante Henriette! 😀 C’est la meilleure chambre avec le meilleur lit. 😉
J’espère que t’as bien dormi!
Bon voyage mon beau Alex! Tu vas tellement vite! On va bien s’revoir bientôt. =)
PS – C’était l’fun de te parler hier soir!
May 25th, 2008 at 11:01 pm
lache pas alex ta barbe pousse pas vite mais c pas grave lol tk c sa la bye
May 26th, 2008 at 5:17 pm
Aaaaaaaaaaw!!! T’es tellement grand à côté de Dorina. 😛
Les belles chutes… 🙂
J’ai vu ma tante Marie pis mon oncle Georges hier soir pis elle arrêtait pas de dire comment t’était smart. “Yé pas gêné pis yé pas gênant! Ben gentil c’t’Alex-là !” 😛 T’as fait bonne impression!