posted by gavin on May 18

I just got an update from Alex. He had a long day, biking 140km – he had to take a lot of detours because of Sureté de Quebec roadblocks. The area was buzzing with police because a body had recently been found there (you can read more about it at Alex said he saw SWAT teams and police helicopters.

He’s done for the day now, camping at a municipal camping ground in Rivière-Ouelle, QC. He says he’s talking with some locals about the murder and about politics around the campfire. New Brunswick tomorrow!


2 Comments to “Amidst a manhunt”

  1. max Says:

    hey,salut sa va c’est max( de la zone sportive) c’est moi qui ta réparer ton bike. bon bien ses sa bonne chance dans ton voyage et fait toi du fun bye la,en esperent te revoir tu est vraiment un chic tip.bye

  2. Brigitte Says:

    Salut Alex, wow, tu es rendu loin et de voir que tu es à Rìvière Ouelle c’est capotant, j’ai suivi cette histoire à la télé. Lâches-pas, tu seras rendu à ta 3ème province demain. Tu vas surement revenir avec un petit accent acadien… amues-toi bien.